SwimSafer Program
Certifications by Singapore Sports Council
SwimSafer comprises 7 progressive stages that incorporate the essential elements of swimming, water survival and lifesaving skills to prepare students to react appropriately when faced with sudden and adverse aquatic situations.
Following 6 stages – Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Bronze, Silver and Gold – are taught and tested within the confines of a swimming pool setting.
SwimSafer Stage 7
SwimSafer Open Water
SwimSafer Open Water is a separate open water module that was introduced as an entry requirement for water sports entrants on 25th July 2011. Students who have completed minimum SwimSafer Bronze Stage can look forward to taking part in the open water course before venturing into open water sports. This program will include a in-class 500m Special Star Distance Swimming Medal Award. Students are to swim non-stop in the open water with any preferred stroke with no timing.
You will be happy to know that we are also among the very few in Singapore to offer this especially rare openwater course under the SwimSafer program in which less than 3% of Singapore instructors are qualified to teach.